Saturday, March 21, 2020

Updated T.O.C

So I had totally forgotten a major element in my table of contents, now realizing why I felt uneasy about the "finished" project. In my original layout plan, I was to create a box that opened at the top that had the words "Table of Contents" in it (DUH!)
With this being said, I changed a couple of things. In the original layout, the colored transparent box stopped at the beginning of the background transparent border. I did not include this in the recent one I had finished. In the image below, you can see I moved the opaque box to the transparent background border, as well.

Creating the boxed table of contents was simple. I used the line tool to build the perimeters of the transparent borders and created a text box inside. I had to change the horizontal spacing between the letters so it could fit the box. I changed it to -80. 

Following this fix, I edited a couple of other things. I changed the "Features" title. I felt like it didn't belong there, that it was just slapped on. I mimicked the "Table of Contents" box and put a miniature box over it, creating a miniature title. I also changed the font of "Femení". I think keeping it at the 'Didot' font made it look too formal when I was going for a look in between modern and formal. 

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