Monday, March 9, 2020

InDesign Table of Contents Layout

This is my confirmed base layout for my table of contents. I wanted a modern and sharp look that compliments my contemporary taste. The peach color will change according to the pictures and what color looks best against it. I laid out the base on Word, easily creating boxed shapes and lines. For the main picture, I blew the picture up and made it less opaque. According to that, I copy and pasted that same picture, increased the opacity to 100% and cropped where I wanted the main focus to be. I didn't know how to do this on InDesign so I would have to create it on Word then transfer it onto InDesign.                                                                                                                                                             

On the right page, I experimented with the colored box to either border or overlap the picture. I ended up choosing it to overlap, as it creates some dimension. I also did the same thing with the box on the top left corner, sort of creating a geometric look. I positioned the picture and the masthead title on the two sides of the one-thirds, so they can stand out. I did use a similar format on the left page, but I sliced the colored box and white space in half, instead.

When I researched many female empowerment tables of contents, the range of features I saw was 10-13 features, so I will most likely have the number in that range. I will have a separate day/blog post to come up with cover line/feature titles.

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