Thursday, March 12, 2020


A major issue has come up with the progression of my project:  THE CORONA VIRUS. The COVID-19 Virus has made it so that all after school activities and field trips be canceled. As you can see in the image below, Mr. Springer (our principal) has restricted our time after school until 3:15, which is barely anything. For this project, I usually have to stay after school to layout and design, and eventually, edit the CCR. This is terrible timing for my magazine, considering we only have 2 class days to work on them and I spend most of my time after school. 

Luckily my friend Keith let me and my friend Kiahni know in our group chat we have that he has emailed our principal. We do not have the software we need (InDesign and Final Cut Pro) to finish our components. Hopefully, Mr. Springer understands our concerns and allows us to stay or somehow provide us with the software. 

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