Saturday, March 21, 2020

Creating My Cover

For some reason, the picture is blurry here.
Creating my cover wasn't really difficult, at all to be honest. I created my cover lines to fit the theme of the magazine. The only main issue was trying to fit the descriptions in each of the three areas. I didn't really have to edit the photo in any way, and I wasn't able to anyway even if I did want to because I don't know how to use PhotoShop. I didn't see anything wrong with the picture, so it's fine.

You can see here that I changed up the fonts for some of the cover lines. For the mainline, "The Women", I undid the italicizing and made it bold. I also made the description under bigger, made it bold, and tool up three lines under. For the very left line, I changed the title to be white and also made it in regular caps. I also made the description under pink, to be able to be read against the background. I kept the middle line as it is, but changed the description color from pink to white to pop against my dress. Other than that, everything else is basically the same.

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