Saturday, January 11, 2020

Fashion Magazine Conventions Step 1

Fashion Magazine Conventions

For my magazine, I am considering in doing a fashion magazine. In my first step, I am doing a detailed research in the conventions of fashion magazines. 

1. Genre of choice: Fashion magazine

2. Genre Conventions: Content
Many article topics would be based on the popular and new makeup and beauty products, new health and diet trends that celebrities have endorsed, celebrity gossip, tips, and tricks, etc. The types of ads would usually relate to clothes, shoes, and other items that are branded and in trend. Many have to do with urban and pop culture and things that are famously used or promoted amongst celebrities, models, and mainstream media. 
The topics you would find in magazines would be a wide range. You could find different beauty and fashion tips and guides and beauty solutions. You could find a lot of celebrity life updates and news, as well as their favorite tips and advice. You can also find trendy fashion accessories and movements. 

3. Genre Conventions: Production Techniques
As shown in the diagram above, the layout of the cover usually has a masthead, or title of the label and the main image, commonly being a celebrity or model. Next is the main headline that usually has to do with the overall message of the magazine or the main image. The tagline and puffs are features on the cover that have to do with the main image and/or different topics and articles that are inside the magazine, i.e latest trends, latest health and diet trends and information, celebrity news or gossip, etc. Not shown in this cover, but pull quotes can be shown from different celebs. The date is always shown to show the publication/issue and also not shown in this cover, the barcode is used for retailing purposes. 

The layout of the inside of a magazine is not only for reading, but visuals as well. Most magazines follow the same layout structure, with slight differing qualities. There will be the main image(s) that is the focal point of the magazine and is usually what the article is about. The title or headline is also the main basis for what the article is about, and there might be a running head which is a mini version of the topic of that part of the magazine. An introductory paragraph is a text that is smaller than the headline, and slightly bigger than the body and may have slightly different qualities i.e bold, indented, or a different color. It usually connects itself to the main body or summarizes it. A pulling quote may be put if a celebrity has a say towards the issue or the topic discussed.  Subheadings are smaller topics that fall under the umbrella of the main topic. Sometimes, the author or publisher is written in the bylines which are placed vertically in the right corner edge. The folio may have the page number if it is not already on the running head and images will almost always have captions.
Titles and fonts have a hierarchy in magazines, the larger and bolder means it's usually what's first read. A common font used is the combination of serif and sans serif, which gives a simple and modern look. Some magazines use certain words or letters and use a completely different font or complimenting color to show impact. Many magazines such as Elle and Vogue use Didot, Paris Pro, Bodoni, which all have similar serif and spacing. Other fonts used can be bolder, such as Glamour magazine using Franklin Gothic Heavy. It all comes down to the efficient use of spacing and spacing of different fonts, colors, and sizes. 

4. Institutional Conventions: How is the genre marketed?
The audience for a fashion magazine ranges from ages 18 to typically women in their mid 40's. Depending on the specific magazine brand, most reach for a female demographic. Usually, the ages between 18-49 stereotypically care about beauty, fashion, and celebrity news. Fashion magazines are distributed in many ways, one being subscriptions. They send you what you expect and pitch in other magazines that may be of interest. They are also placed in many supermarkets, bookstores, and other shops for people to look at and buy. 

5. Sample #1
This magazine fits my genre of fashion magazines in many ways. Allure is one of the biggest fashion/beauty labels, which contributes to its purpose. The main image is of celebrity Zendaya, a popular actress, model, and singer. The main headline contributes to the feminine beauty trends and the taglines and puffs also include things to do with fashion and beauty. 

6. Sample #2
Vogue is one of the most popular and international fashion magazines. Its main image, Ariana Grande is a very famous artist in the world and definitely catches the reader's eyes. The tagline mentions her name and some article related to her. The other features of the magazine also have to do with fashion, specifically an individual's wardrobe. It also includes a title that promotes women empowerment.

7. Other samples

8. Representation
The specific people and qualities of people represented are usually attractive women who promote the look of skinny and sexy. They usually use their sexuality and visuals to negatively make their audience believe they always have flawless, airbrushed skin when it is usually edited. Some positive representations are more diversity in models and the topics of healthy life choices and decisions, rather than "How to get the best behind ever." Now that standards and stereotypes are being broken, a lot of magazines are putting out more realistic and attainable looks and ideas. 

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