Friday, February 7, 2020


What should the title be: 

I wanted the name to be the word "woman" or "female" in a different language, to embrace diversity. "Feminae" is "women" in Latin, "Femení" is "female" in Catalan, and "Femelle" is "female" in French. I personally love "femelle" because it kind of reminds me of the notorious magazine "Elle". Since the majority did choose "femení", I will consider the top two, and they are my favorites. I will probably choose the name once I start actually inserting and designing aspects into my magazine, to see which looks and fits better. 

Who should be on the cover:

In the general conventions of female magazines, usually, one woman is pictured on the cover page. Almost 90% of people chose a diverse group of women, and I have seen some group cover pages but they are not as common. I want to go against the general trend and have a group of different cultures and ethnicity of women to get the message across. 

Which editorial features:

I am honestly surprised that second to articles on specific women, that makeup and style advice and trends was the other majority. I was disappointed with this result because I think that these types of magazines should not only focus on women's image and health, but also pressing issues that affect women every day. I will most likely go with the top pick, and the least chosen one: opinion articles on pressing issues (22.9%). 

Which location for photos:

The whopping majority turned out to be a flower/nature field which I had hoped it to be. I have seen a lot of modeling pictures on Instagram based on these types of sceneries, although I feel like it will be difficult to find one in my area. Due to this, I might do a mix of the city background and textured/colored walls to give it that aesthetic and modern feel. I do really want to try and get some in a field because of the soft and dainty look of it. 

Colour scheme:

Again, agreeing with the majority I lean towards a warm rose type of colors because I like how it compliments so many types of skin tones. I also really like the idea of pastels being mixed in with the warm colors, creating a light but powerful look. Cool tones tied with pastels, but I personally never choose cool tones, but I do feel like I could incorporate some sprinkles of bright/neon colors into the magazine whether it be in the spread or in photos. 

Style of clothes:

The majority, 51.4% chose casual/streetwear which I think is common, but I also think depending on the magazine, elegant wear is common. I think you could get a lot of casual clothes from nearby stores like Target or the thrift store, where many people in these ages shop at. My friend Alejandro gave me an indea to incorporate all fashion styles to incorporate the diversity aspect of the magazine, which I might do, or I might just stick with casual wear. 


I was curious to see whether a female empowerment magazine would stray away or not be as appealing to males. Although my reasons for it might not be correct, the data does show that more females were involved in the poll. This might be another reason why female magazines usually have female-related content. 

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