Thursday, February 27, 2020

Color Palette Research

In many magazines, whether it be fashion or female empowerment, all have a specific color palette set for that specific magazine.

For my magazine, I wanted the photos to be more neutral with browns, nudes, and roses. To contrast on those pictures, I wanted a color palette that can bring out certain aspects in the photos and enhance them.

I am going to use a mix of these two color palettes. The palette labeled "THE ONE" displays my love for pastel colors and is more neutral. The second palette is a much darker color that can contrast with the other colors. I want to see how I can pick and choose colors from these two to create an overall color scheme. I love the contrast in warm and cool tones but it still stays in the range of being bright but not too overpowering. I might change some colors/shades once the photos come out. I like how the colors combined give a sense of power and boldness; white is meant to give a sense of youth and modernity so I like the pale shade, red gives a sense of boldness and passion, the blue/green gives a feeling of peace and optimism, the orange gives a bright pop of energy, and the toned-down hot pink evokes femininity but a euphoric and refreshing wash of color.

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