Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cover Layout/Sketch

This is my basic layout for my cover page. I will most likely keep the masthead in black to give it a more traditional look, but it all depends on how the background photo turns out. As for the group picture, it doesn't have to be in this exact position as I will try many rearrangements and poses for the picture. With my color palette, I think the warm pink pops out compared to the rest of my color palette. For the main cover line, I saw examples of many magazines quoting "The Actresses" or the model(s) names. Since my women in the group are not together in a specific industry, I will most likely label the main cover line "The Women".  

I sketched the group and put it on Word and applied the rest of the details
I have not thought out the specific cover line details yet, but it will relate to one of the feature articles and some type of advice-giving. I like the look of the different fonts meshing together, creating different vibes. One font is more boxed while the other is rounded and italicized. 

Color Palette Research

In many magazines, whether it be fashion or female empowerment, all have a specific color palette set for that specific magazine.

For my magazine, I wanted the photos to be more neutral with browns, nudes, and roses. To contrast on those pictures, I wanted a color palette that can bring out certain aspects in the photos and enhance them.

I am going to use a mix of these two color palettes. The palette labeled "THE ONE" displays my love for pastel colors and is more neutral. The second palette is a much darker color that can contrast with the other colors. I want to see how I can pick and choose colors from these two to create an overall color scheme. I love the contrast in warm and cool tones but it still stays in the range of being bright but not too overpowering. I might change some colors/shades once the photos come out. I like how the colors combined give a sense of power and boldness; white is meant to give a sense of youth and modernity so I like the pale shade, red gives a sense of boldness and passion, the blue/green gives a feeling of peace and optimism, the orange gives a bright pop of energy, and the toned-down hot pink evokes femininity but a euphoric and refreshing wash of color.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020



I will be assessing the common lighting types that magazines use and decide which types of lighting I would want to use for my magazine.

In the majority of fashion/portraiture magazines, most model(s) are pictured in basic high-key lighting but in flat, butterfly, and loop lighting.  The major difference between these is that flat lighting hits light directly at the model's face, casting no shadows whatsoever. This may or may not be beneficial to the subject, depending on their specific facial features. Butterfly and loop lighting are very similar in the way they cast shadows and accentuate the cheekbones, but loop lighting is placed more at an angle. I would love to mix these lightings and see which type suits each model the best.


Another common type of lighting I found that was common is short and broad lighting. Short lighting is a type of side lighting where the face is usually at an angle and the shadow hits the side of the face that's closest to the camera. This helps to thin out the face but can emphasize acne and other skin pigments. Broad lighting is also a type of side lighting where the side of the face closest to the camera is the one being hit with light. This is ideal for people with thin faces to make the face look fuller. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Costumes and Props



In female empowerment magazines, commonly seen are women wearing professional/formal attire, specifically blazers that range from being traditional to bright colors. The clothing is worn by the model(s) usually compliment the color scheme of the cover and can also set the theme and tone for the model's story. I think for my magazine, dressing in a majority of formal clothing will make the magazine seem too stiff. I might incorporate some aspects of formal clothing into my models, but I think I will go for more a casual and trendy look.

I want to go for a more 'aesthetically modern' look that gives it a more familiar feeling. I want to incorporate different textures, such as velvet and satin and other combinations. I really like the look of nude/brown and rose colors, I think it brings out the warmth in the skin and compliments very well with sunlight. Patterns mixed with white/black and pastels also gives a flushed look. I want my models to have a range of dresses, tops, skirts, etc. mixed and matched together. 


In the magazines, the women usually have their hair down, whether it's straightened or natural. I was trying to find any sort of up-do hairstyle (which I found minimal of) or hair accessories, but they don't seem to be common. Since the hair definitely frames the face, I think this is why it is common to find hairstyles that drop down the sides of the face.

For my magazine, I would like to incorporate the idea of keeping the models' natural hair type but add hair accessories (hair clips, headbands, punch clips, etc) to add an accent. I also want to incorporate headscarves and turbans, being a hijabi myself. Some of my friends are really excited about trying them on and I think it can add more substance to the magazine.



From the research that I have done, there is a vast range from types of jewelry to how much or little is placed. Many models have big statement earrings and or necklaces that may accentuate their outfit. A lot of the African-American models commonly share larger statement jewelry that highlights the culture. Other model examples also share large but modern accents, and some examples are more simple and ethereal.

For my magazine, I want to use simple pieces of jewelry that doesn't take too much attention away from the models. I will most likely use dainty jewelry, it gives a delicate accent that can complement the outfits. I lean more towards that gold jewelry since it captures relays a message of status and luxury, I also think it flatters darker skin tones.                                   


In the female empowerment magazines, there doesn't seem to be an exact rule or look regarding makeup. The majority of the makeup looks seem to be neutral, accentuating the model's natural features. I have seen lipstick/eyeshadow colors that correspond with a piece of clothing they're wearing. The face makeup is always dewy and/or natural-looking.

I want to incorporate the natural/neutral look, especially in the skin to give it the infamous "no-makeup makeup look." I like the dewy look which I can create with a bit of setting spray and highlighter. I do, however, want to incorporate current makeup trends, especially from Instagram. This includes bold eyebrows, metallic/colored liner, pop of color in the inner corner, and so many more. I love the look of simple eyes with a bold lip, it really puts out a statement.




Props are not commonly used in this range of magazines. Since the focus is on the person, maybe including props would divert the attention. For my magazine's double-page spread, I am planning on doing on or two feature articles. For the features, I may or may not include props in the photos. If I do, the prop would wrap around the model but not take the detail away from the model. 

Friday, February 14, 2020


Cover Models

In usual female empowerment magazines, it is conventional to have one model that represents the magazine, so the person chosen would most likely have recognition. I think this is common in magazines that have to do with that specific person in a double-page spread, or many pages, that successfully creates a main issue or theme within the magazine. 


For my magazine, although not as common, I wanted to do a group picture for my cover page. Many magazines such as VOGUE, VANITY FAIR, and GLAMOUR use group pictures on occasion and I think it reads a better message of unity. I wanted to stray away from the usual one model cover page and do a group of women of a different color, which I think will successfully relay the message of female empowerment and diversity. 
Instagram account: @indoanisa

Inside models:

From what I've seen in double-page spreads, there is a mix of portrait and fashion/style models. I want to incorporate both types of model shoots for my spread. In general, I want my models to be diverse women in the age range between 16-21 years of age. I won't have auditions to recruit models since I already know people who have some experience in photography and modeling. A lot of my female friends are women of color which is perfect for my theme and I'm really excited for them to display their personality. I am going for a modern look with exceptions of some grunge, boho, and maybe an elegant look; my friend Alejandro advised I use a range of looks to incorporate the diversity aspect of the magazine. 

Image links:


For my masthead, I ended up choosing 'Femení' instead of 'Femelle'. I thought that 'Femelle' would fill up too much of the space and I really think that the accent mark on 'Femení' gives the name some character. In notorious magazines like VOGUE and ELLE, they commonly used the fonts 'Didot' and 'Bodoni'. I think it displays a formal but minimalist look that doesn't crowd the cover page.

(top to bottom: Bodoni - Didot)

I want to stay within the trends of mastheads in terms of a simple and/or serif font. I am leaning towards Didot because it is thinner compared to Bodoni and I feel like that would reflect the aesthetic of my blog fitter. Usually, the mastheads in other magazines tend to be primarily red but can be other girls depending on the elements and theme on the page.


For this font, I prefer when it is spaced out; I simply put a space between each letter to create a cleaner look. I think the thicker lines make it stand out from the top two fonts, and it is pulled more vertically and is more narrow. The accent marker is shaped like a triangle that matches this font better. 
(Ultra Condensed Sans Serif)

I would say this font is more modern and goes in style with the new "aesthetic". The elongated letters display a dainty look but the block letters keep it within the modern look. I think that this looks best in color, I will not be choosing a specific color or even black until I take cover photos and create a set color scheme, but I do think a solid color wouldn't stray too much attention from the cover contents. 

Friday, February 7, 2020


What should the title be: 

I wanted the name to be the word "woman" or "female" in a different language, to embrace diversity. "Feminae" is "women" in Latin, "Femení" is "female" in Catalan, and "Femelle" is "female" in French. I personally love "femelle" because it kind of reminds me of the notorious magazine "Elle". Since the majority did choose "femení", I will consider the top two, and they are my favorites. I will probably choose the name once I start actually inserting and designing aspects into my magazine, to see which looks and fits better. 

Who should be on the cover:

In the general conventions of female magazines, usually, one woman is pictured on the cover page. Almost 90% of people chose a diverse group of women, and I have seen some group cover pages but they are not as common. I want to go against the general trend and have a group of different cultures and ethnicity of women to get the message across. 

Which editorial features:

I am honestly surprised that second to articles on specific women, that makeup and style advice and trends was the other majority. I was disappointed with this result because I think that these types of magazines should not only focus on women's image and health, but also pressing issues that affect women every day. I will most likely go with the top pick, and the least chosen one: opinion articles on pressing issues (22.9%). 

Which location for photos:

The whopping majority turned out to be a flower/nature field which I had hoped it to be. I have seen a lot of modeling pictures on Instagram based on these types of sceneries, although I feel like it will be difficult to find one in my area. Due to this, I might do a mix of the city background and textured/colored walls to give it that aesthetic and modern feel. I do really want to try and get some in a field because of the soft and dainty look of it. 

Colour scheme:

Again, agreeing with the majority I lean towards a warm rose type of colors because I like how it compliments so many types of skin tones. I also really like the idea of pastels being mixed in with the warm colors, creating a light but powerful look. Cool tones tied with pastels, but I personally never choose cool tones, but I do feel like I could incorporate some sprinkles of bright/neon colors into the magazine whether it be in the spread or in photos. 

Style of clothes:

The majority, 51.4% chose casual/streetwear which I think is common, but I also think depending on the magazine, elegant wear is common. I think you could get a lot of casual clothes from nearby stores like Target or the thrift store, where many people in these ages shop at. My friend Alejandro gave me an indea to incorporate all fashion styles to incorporate the diversity aspect of the magazine, which I might do, or I might just stick with casual wear. 


I was curious to see whether a female empowerment magazine would stray away or not be as appealing to males. Although my reasons for it might not be correct, the data does show that more females were involved in the poll. This might be another reason why female magazines usually have female-related content. 

Audience Profile