Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sound Art Project

Sound Art Project


Audio Project


Four Sound Effects:
1. Antonia creating the sound of a door by literally opening multiple doors.
2. Footsteps were made by exaggerating stomping footsteps and placing the phonemic near the ground.
3. To create the bone-crunching (not included in the outline) we took a water bottle and quickly snapped it.
4. To create the gym squeaking we were next to the gym to get distant squeaks, but I put the phonemic close to her shoe as she tried to create squeaks. 

Once Mrs. Harwell finished introducing this sound project, Keith, Antonia, and I knew immediately we wanted to incorporate the gym. We took time creating our outline, making sure to create at least four of our sounds manually. We ended up creating all of our sounds, except the buzzer at the very end, which I'm very impressed and proud of. We made some changes and added the bone-breaking crush with the water bottle. Creating the sounds wasn't difficult, it was pretty simple. We started in the locker room; since Keith obviously couldn't come to the girl's locker room Antonia and I started first. Luckily, the locker room was squeaky and it was pretty obvious that it was a door. Creating the floor squeaks was slightly difficult because only some shoes could create that sound. Antonia struggled to create the squeaks, but eventually got the hang of it. Making the sound of Antonia falling was really funny. Keith volunteered to fall, and he dramatically threw himself on the ground. We filmed a lot of background noise in the gym to depict the atmosphere of a basketball game. After Antonia fell in the audio clip, we recorded three different crowd reactions and layered them to portray a typical crowd response. We added a buzzer at the end to indicate the end of the game. 

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