Monday, September 9, 2019


Jane the Virgin S4:E8 "Chapter Seventy-Two"

First scene- Jane's over the shoulder looking at Alba: This over the shoulder helps relay a message specifically from Jane to Alba, slightly excluding Xiomara, Jane's mother, and Alba's daughter. The emotions I feel are that because it doesn't show Xiomara, Jane and Alba are able to have a more intense and intimate one on one conversation. It made me relate to my grandmother and the pep talks she used to give me.

Second scene- High angle with Jane and Mateo and a medium shot of Rafael: It shows two different emotions. The high angle of Jane properly shows her facial expressions, and since she is with Mateo as he's sleeping, she can properly express her emotions. I can predict she's thinking hard. With Rafael in his single/medium shot, you can solely focus on his feelings and his smile shows what he might be thinking as well. It gives an insight as to how he is solely feeling.

Third scene- Master shot/Close up of Jane and Alba: This shows where they are located and who is and isn't there. It makes me feel like they have a lot of one on one conversations. It has a close up of both of them, showing their distress of Alba unable to accept Jorge's proposal.

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